Sponsor a Child


Every single one-off donation helps. But if you would like to make a long and lasting difference in a child’s life, giving them hope for the future, then sponsoring a child is for you!

A long term commitment to a child’s education will make the greatest impact to the child’s future.

Your sponsorship journey offers the following benefits:

  1. You will be offered monitored contact the child you sponsor.
  2. Children will be encouraged to write to sponsors.
  3. You will receive school reports and photos of the child.
  4. Once we teach them some English, Skype sessions will be provided.
  5. We will organise group trips to Myanmar to see the beautiful country and visit the school.
  6. You will have access to all the financials of the Foundation to monitor how your money is spent.

By sponsoring a child, you are giving them a future of hope.

Costs of sponsorship

All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

A sponsored child will receive:

  • A government approved curriculum for each year of primary school and high school, commencing with kindergarten at age 5.
  • All learning materials and school uniforms.
  • Half yearly health checks and vaccinations. Payment for medical services for the student.
  • Healthy meals during their first year of school.
  • Tuition fees for after school sessions.
  • Regular checks for school attendance and performance by Teachers.

We offer monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual donation options.

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